The final Harry Potter movie is out today. I can't believe this is all comming to an end. We all owe J.K. Rowling so much. These books were the first to interest in reading. We have gone to each movie as an entire family. Even when the family changed, the tradition continued.
I think this was such a good story for the simple reason was that it was a simple story full of complex issues. The simple story, good versus evil. The outsider wanting to fit in. The difference between childish fun and adult responsibilities. Complex ideas, Magic in a muggle world, where do you draw the line. causing pain and even death to your family and friends based upon the choices you make. etc.
All of this plus Harry is the nerd who lived under the stairs, the ultimately poweless who is discovered to have the ultimate power in Majic. His best friends are the supper smart girl in a mans world, and the poor, aquard boy, youngest son with wierd parents. Everyone can find something to dientify with.
Now look at the fring characters, All the good guys have something wrong with them, Tonks can't keep the same hair color, Lupin changes into a warewolf, Remus is an escaped con from a mean family, Hagrid is a bumbling oaf, mad-eye money is crazy and deformed physcally. All of the death eaters are smart, pretty, handsom, from rich families. J.K. is telling everyone that substance is more important than style. it is who you are not what you look like that is important.
The only normal and I think the most interesting person in the entire series is Ginny Weasely. Pretty, smart, Quidich jock, popular. She has 6 older brothers, a flighty mother and a proffesorial father. She repeatedly demonstrates her courage weather it is on the quidich field or in the chamber of secrets. When Harry is in trouble, she jumps in without question. Yet she maintains a seperate identity. She secretly loves Harry but does not pine away when the love is not returned. She holds no jealousy for Herminne. She tolerates her older brother but shows more maturity. As I said, I think she is the most interesting. I would love to read a book about those years from her perspective.
I also think that deep down, J.K. Rowling is more like Herminne, but wishes she were like Ginny.
When you add to this that Harry and the crew spend the movies solving
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