My grandmother (Gertrude Johnson) was born in 1900, 3 years before the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk and died in 1972, 3 years after Armstrong walked on the moon. Her generation saw remarkable advances in transportation. Her world was a great deal larger than her parents.
My father was born in 1927, 2 years before the great depression and died in 1997. he was born into a farm house with out electricity, indoor plumbing, or a phone. Only 45 years after his birth, he had a suburban house, with air conditioning, a refrigerator, a back yard pool and 2 cars. His generastion saw remarkable advances in personal comforts and material wealth. he live an easier more comfortable life than his parents.
I was born in 1959, before the first communication satilittes, into a world on 1 phone per house that you "rented" from the sole phone company, and 3 channels on the black and white TV. Today, I can watch my nephew pitch baseball in Maryland on my computer, I can scratch my Information habit by simply accessing the internet. I have seen great advances in the ability to access information and enterainment. I know more and experience more.
How will my kids lives be different than mine? I believe they will be a great deal longer. Micro-Biology, nano technoly, will extend life significantly. will they be saying, my parents lived 70 years, I lived 140 years?
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