Friday, October 14, 2011

Experiment in Dialog

“So Johnny, what you doing?” asked Dan,

“Not much” Johnny answered.

“So who you waiting for?” asked Dan as he looked around the street for anyone of interest.

Johnny just raised one eyebrow as if to say, that is more information than you need.

Dan looked at Johnny, in his black Pea Coast, and knit watch cap, leaning against the brick wall of the Seattle YMCA, watching the crowds walk by. Something is up he thought.

Johnny watched the young man, lightly hopping from one foot to the other trying to stay warm. Just go away kid, he thought.

“So have you seen Tig? He owes me money,” Dan said, looking hopeful.

Johnny reached into coat and pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds, taking a cigarette, he returned the pack and brought out a Zippo lighter from his jeans, a quick snap of the wrist and a flame lit his cigarette, he returned the Zippo to his pocket in one smooth move.He took a long drag on the cigarette, looked at Dan and said. “Don’t hold your breath, he owes everyone money.” Exhaling slowly, enjoying the taste, and enjoying the looks of disdain from passing pedestrians.

“Can you believe it, four more days of shore leave, what you planning on?” Dan asked.

“I’ll think of something”

“Have you been here before? I mean is there anything cool around here” Dan asked, leaning up against the same wall as Johnny, watching the crowds.

“Nope, yesterday was my first time in town on shore leave” he said, looking at his glowing cigarette.

They both watched a businessman walk by in a three piece suite and carrying a briefcase.

“Man, that has got to be the ultimate in a failed life” said Johnny, "just imagine, going to the same office every day for 30 years, looking out the same window, if you lucky enough to have a window. Then turning around going home, knowing you will do the same thing all over again tomorrow, carrying the same briefcase”. Johnny shuddered, “The ultimate Hell”

“I don’t know, it might be nice to go home to some nice little woman every night”. Said Dan.

Johnny just shook his head and shuddered again, tossing his cigarette into the gutter.

And there she was, right on time. The most beautiful girl that had ever existed thought Johnny. Pure innocence with just the right amount of sexy. A face of classic beauty; full of youth and grace, and a body made by the gods to tempt man.

“Hi Brandy” he said

“Hi John” She said, “You remembered”. Then she smiled, lighting up his world. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks for last night, that was fun”

He stood there, his knees melting, and heart racing, looking at only her, not aware of anything or anyone else.

She grabbed his hand and said, “Come on, let me show you my town”.

He went, forgetting all about Dan and briefcases.

// End //

1 comment:

  1. I thought it flowed quite nicely. Some spelling, grammar errors but very minor. I loved that you brought Brandy into the picture after Dan's comment. It was a story I could follow and to the point.

