Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bill Baker

I would like to spend a moment remembering Bill Baker, My step father, and my mother’s best friend. Bill passed away the other day after years fighting several disabling illnesses that would have taken a lesser man far sooner than now.

Bill was a good man from a hard background. He grew poor in a tough world. One of 5 in a single woman’s household. He was a bit wild in his early years.

When I met him he was managing a fence company, basically running everything, He was dating my mom and gave me a job for a few months building fences. I learned a lot, most of all; I learned that I didn’t want to use my back to make a living.

Even though he was dating my mom, Bill laid me off when business slowed up. He could have kept me on the books a little while and screwed the company owner. But he didn’t, I always admired him for that.
He and my mother eventually got married and moved to Arizona where he started a business and ran it for 20 years until his retirement.
It was an honorable life for an honorable man.

Best of all he treated my mom and sisters with respect, It allowed me to take off and explore the world. I knew Bill was there to take care of them.

You will be missed Bill, you made a positive difference in our lives.


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