Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Green - Grey effect

We were crossing the Bearing Sea in mid January, A rare calm day when we came upon a strang occurance. The sea was divided into two colors, green on one side and grey on the other. It was a stark contrast, a deep Aqua green and a sharp line dividing it from a milky grey. The young Ensign turned to the Salty Captain and asked "Sir, What causes that" 

The Capt, not wanting to be bothered with stupid questions, said, That is known as the Green/Grey effect.

The young Ensign didn't understand, and finally asked, what is the Green/Grey effect?

The Capt, answered, that is when the water is green on one side and grey on the other side.

The young Ensign didn't bother the capt with stupid questions again.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I read this while getting ready for work in the morning. Definitely a great way to start my day.

